Non-Fraternization/Consensual Relationship

Policy Name:  Non-Fraternization/Consensual Relationship

Policy Number: HR-5000

Effective:  2020/09/02

Revised: Not applicable

Student Non-Fraternization Policy

Fraternization between Employees and students is strictly prohibited. 

大学期望员工与学生保持适当的专业关系, 并且要对自己与学生之间的不当行为保持敏感. For this reason, Employees are prohibited from engaging in any of the following types of conduct, regardless of whether the conduct occurs on or off campus. 

Fraternization may include, but is not limited to:

  • Fostering, 鼓励或参与与学生不适当的情感或社交亲密关系,这种关系超出了合理的专业员工与学生关系的范围, 并且这种关系可以合理地导致学生将雇员视为不仅仅是老师, advisor, administrator, or other.
  • 与学生发生任何恋爱或性关系,包括约会, flirting, sexual contact, inappropriate displays of affection, or sexually suggestive comments between Employees and students, regardless of who initiates the behavior, consensual or not.
  • 因与学校无关的原因开始或继续与学生沟通, including oral or written communication; telephone calls; electronic communication such as texting, IM/DM, email, social networking sites.  Electronic and online communication should be professional in content and tone.
  • Socializing with students on or off campus, 或因与学校有关的目的或工作职责无关的原因而在课堂以外的时间. 
  • Visiting with students.
  • 因与学校无关的原因而使用私家车接送学生, or loaning the use of private vehicle to a student.
  • Borrowing/lending money to students.
  • Inviting students to an Employee's home; unless for a University related reason and authorized in advance by the Vice-President.  An example may be a coach inviting the team for team building.  Under no circumstance should only one student be invited to an Employee’s home.
  • Providing housing to students.
  • 向学生出售或从学生那里购买不属于大学赞助的筹款活动.
  • Involvement with a student, 在履行工作职责以外的任何方式.

Relationship Policy

有些关系涉及无法消除的内在利益冲突.  Interactions that go beyond the normal scope of business, such as romantic and/or sexual Relationships, 是否会干扰和破坏机构作为一个不受约束的学习环境和工作场所的基本目的. 

Individuals should be aware that dating, intimate, romantic and/or sexual Relationships between individuals of unequal power, even when consensual, 可能会导致性骚扰的指控,因为当存在权力差异时,同意的自愿性是值得怀疑的. For this reason, Relationships of this type are prohibited.

Listed below are various Relationships governed by this Policy.

Relationships with Undergraduate Students

  • No Employee shall have or pursue a Relationship with any Undergraduate Student, regardless of age, and whether the student is under direct supervision, advising, authority, or classroom instruction of the Employee.
  • In addition, 当研究生或专业学生与任何本科生有监督关系并负责监督时,禁止研究生和专业学生追求或与任何本科生建立关系, advising, evaluating, or instructing, academically or otherwise, the Undergraduate Student.

Relationships with Graduate or Professional Students

  • 雇员不得与雇员负责教学的研究生或专业学生建立或追求关系, advising, grading, evaluating, or otherwise supervising.

Relationships with other Employees

  • 任何员工不得与其有权管辖的任何其他员工建立或维持关系, or for whom they are responsible for hiring, promoting, disciplining, evaluating, directing, or otherwise supervising.
  • If such a Relationship preexisted the passage of this Policy, both Employees must report the Relationship to their next-level Supervisors. The individuals may not remain in a professional supervisory Relationship, nor may the individuals, with respect to one another:
  • Working in the same department, unit, or lab can be problematic, but may be acceptable under some circumstances.  The next-level Supervisor, 与相关部门、副总裁和人力资源办公室协商, will evaluate these situations on a case-by-case basis. 一些结果可能包括取消主管与下属员工之间的任何报告或类似关系, or separate the individuals by reassignment, if possible.
  • 如上文所述,两名雇员有恋爱或性关系,但双方都不是对方的下属, 他们应该注意自己的专业职责,并负责确保他们的关系不会产生偏袒的问题, bias, ethics, job performance, or conflict of interest within the guidelines of this Policy.  Should the Relationship dissolve, the Employees must refrain from behavior that is harassing, could cause conflict or affect performance of duties. 

Reporting Procedures

Duty to Report

任何知道或怀疑违反本非亲善/自愿关系政策的人必须向人力资源办公室报告其行为, 或者匿名和保密地报告可能构成不法行为的活动, you may contact the EthicsPoint call center by dialing, toll-free, 844-254-3069 or,

Protection from Retaliation

大学禁止对任何善意举报或配合调查的个人进行报复. 任何认为自己因以任何身份参与投诉程序而受到报复的人,都应按照上述相同的方式迅速报告此事.


违反本政策可能导致处罚和纠正措施,包括终止和/或停职. 制裁和纠正措施将按照相关政策和程序以及任何适用工作人员规定的其他要求实施, Faculty, or Student Handbooks, or with other University policies and procedures.  


Employee: Any person employed by the University in any capacity, full or part-time, whether faculty, adjunct faculty, administrator, staff, coaches. For purposes of this Policy, Employee also includes independent contractors and volunteers, including volunteer coaches.

Graduate or Professional Student: 任何已经从学院或大学获得至少学士学位的学生,现在就读于大学的研究生课程之一. 

Relationship: For the purposes of this Policy, a Relationship is defined as a romantic, intimate, dating or sexual in nature.

Supervisor: Any individual who has authority, control, or supervision over another individual, or the responsibility to hire, promote, discipline, evaluate, assign, or direct the other individual at the University. 

Undergraduate Student尚未从学院或大学获得副学士学位或学士学位的学生,但已注册参加大学的任何课程. This includes high school students taking courses as dual enrollees.

University: Holy Family University.

New Relationships

Relationship Description Permissible
Employee and Undergraduate Student 员工有直接监督、评估、权力或课堂指导 No
员工没有直接监督、评估、权力或课堂指导 No
Graduate/Professional Student and Undergraduate Student The Graduate/Professional Student does have a supervisory relationship, evaluating, interviewing, etc. No
The Graduate/Professional Student does not have a supervisory relationship, evaluating, interviewing, etc. Yes
Employee and Graduate/Professional Student The Employee is responsible for teaching, advising, grading, evaluating etc. No
The Employee is not responsible for teaching, advising, grading, evaluating etc. Yes
Employee and Employee The Employee is responsible for hiring, promoting, disciplining, evaluating, directing, or otherwise supervising No
The Employee is not responsible for hiring, promoting, disciplining, evaluating, directing, or otherwise supervising Yes
Employee & Undergraduate or Graduate/Professional Student 员工必须向主管汇报关系,不得与学生有任何主管关系 (Relationship Preexists Policy)
Employee and Employee 两名员工都必须向各自的主管报告这种关系,任何一名员工都不得与另一名员工建立监督关系 (Relationship Preexists Policy)